Did you knew you can open the same positions on your friend’s MetaTrader 4 account simultaneously even if it’s located in another country?
When you open trades in your MT4 account you can have the same trades opened on other MT4 accounts at the same time. And the best part of it is that you can set this up in like 5 minutes.
In this tutorial I will explain how it’s done.
Preparing to trade multiple MetaTrader 4 accounts
Here’s what you’ll need to do in order to open the same positions on two or more MT4 accounts at the same time.
- Install multiple MT4 platforms on your computer
- Open all MT4 platforms and login into different accounts
- Install special software for trading multiple MT4 accounts
- Start that special software and set some basic settings
- Open your first position on the main MT4 account and have the same position transferred to all other MT4 accounts immediately
Installing several MT4 terminals on the same computer
If you want to trade multiple MT4 accounts it is obvious that you need to have several MT4 platforms installed on your computer. This is quite easy and the process is the same as the regular MT4 installation. The only difference is that you’ll need to set different installation destination folder for each of your MetaTrader platforms.
In the picture below you can see the SETTINGS button, which will take you to a page where you can choose different installation location.

Below is the image showing changed installation folder name.

Personally I like to add numbers at the end of each folder. That way I end up having all MT4 platforms installed and numbered, so it’s easy to access the right one when I need.

Now you need to repeat the MT4 installation process twice, or five times, ten times, or whatever number of MT4 instances you need. Even if you’re installing MT4 from the same Forex broker, you can still have multiple instances installed and running on the same computer.
Login to all MT4 accounts
Next you need to open all MT4 accounts you want to trade at the same time and log in to each of them.
Now it’s a good time to decide which MT4 account will be your main account. In other words, which account you choose to be the Master. This is the account that you will be trading and all positions that you open on this account will be transferred to other MetaTrader accounts automatically.
Now that you have decided which account is the Master, note that all other accounts will be Follower accounts.
So the Master account is the account you will be trading on, while Client (or Follower) account is the account receiving the same positions you open on the Master.

Important to mention, that you can use Main or Investor (read-only) password to log in to the Master account. But it is mandatory to use the Main password when you are logging into all subsidiary (Client) accounts.
It is possible to have multiple Master accounts on the same computer too, but let’s not rush things and first start with one Master and several Client accounts.
When you open MT4 account it will ask you to login or create a new account. If you already have an account you can close the registration window and enter your account login information.

Once you are logged into the MT4 account you can minimize the window and open the next MT4 platform.
You repeat the same step for each MT4 you want to trade on your computer. This means you log in to different account on each MT4 platform.
Basic MT4 configuration
All MT4 platforms by default are ready to be used for trading, but if you want to trade many accounts at once you need to enable one option.
You will have to do this for each MT4 account you will be trading.
Open the Tools -> Options window from the top menu.

Then go to the Expert Advisors tab and enable “Allow automated trading” and “Allow DLL imports“.

Repeat the same for each MetaTrader 4 platform you will be using.
Install special software for trading multiple accounts
The software we need to use in order to transfer the same trades to other MT4 accounts is a special type of software which can duplicate trades between multiple MT4 accounts. Among Forex traders this type of computer program is usually called “trade copier” or “account copier”. Others call it “trade duplicator” or simply “mirror software”.
The main purpose for a trade copier application is to mirror your trading from the Master account and make sure all subsidiary Client accounts have the same open positions with the same parameters like stop loss and take profit. It’s kind of linking several Client MT4 accounts to your Master MT4 account so that when you open positions on the Master, the same positions will be replicated on all Client accounts.
Such account mirroring software will repeat the same trading operations on all Client MT4 accounts. This means when you open, modify or close a trade on the Master account, the same will be done on Client accounts immediately.
We will be using Local Trade Copier from mt4copier.com.
Let’s begin the installation.
There are two stages of LTC installation.
- Install LTC Server EA on the Master MT4 account
- Install LTC Client EA on all Client MT4 accounts
Installation process is relatively the same for Server EA and Client EA, the only difference is which MT4 platform you will select during the installation.
Installing LTC Server EA
When I start the LTC Server EA auto-installer it will scan my computer to find all MetaTrader 4 instances.

When scan is finished the auto-installer is ready to begin installation as soon as the user clicks NEXT button.

In the next step auto-installer shows the list of all MT4 platforms found on the computer. In this window you need to choose where to install the LTC Server EA. You can choose multiple destinations, but in this tutorial we will be using one Master account so let’s select just one MT4 from the list.

After you click NEXT the Server EA files will be installed and then you can choose whether you want this particular MT4 platform to be loaded or not. I will un-select this option, because my Master MT4 is already running. Note, that by selecting this option MT4 would be loaded with Administrator privileges.

If you ever need to re-install the Server EA or install it in to additional MT4 platforms, just run the auto-installer again and follow on screen instructions.
Installing LTC Client EA
Installation of the LTC Client EA is relatively the same, except that you need to choose different MT4 platforms from the list. You need to select those platforms which will act as Client MT4 accounts and receive trading positions from your Master MT4.
Here’s how I select multiple Client MT4 platforms from the list.

Once you click NEXT, the LTC Client EA is installed into all MT4 platforms selected. On the last step of installation process you get to see the list of platforms where Client EA was installed.

Making LTC EA appear on MT4 platforms
If installation of any Expert Advisor (including LTC Server EA and LTC Client EA) is done while MT4 is running, you will not see them appear in the Navigator window. You need to restart MT4 platform or refresh the list of Expert Advisors. I prefer the 2nd option, because it’s faster and I do not need to restart MT4.

Repeat the “Refresh” command on all MT4 instances you will be using.
When I refresh the EA list and expand it, I see my LTC Server EA or LTC Client EA, depending to which MT4 platform I am looking at.

And this is my LTC Client EA on one of the Client MT4 accounts I will be using.

Now that the LTC installation is finished we can start using it.
Starting Local Trade Copier software
To start the Server EA or Client EA you will have to open a chart first. It can be chart of any symbol and any time frame, but I recommend EURUSD.
So let’s open the EURUSD chart on each MT4 platform. From the top menu select File -> New Chart.

You will see the list of symbols appear. Find and choose the EURUSD symbol. In the picture below you see this particular MT4 offers quite a big list of symbols and EURUSD appears under FX category. Other MT4’s might have it right at the top or listed under some other category.

Alternative way to open the EURUSD chart is to find it in the Market Watch window, right-clicking on it and choosing “Chart Window”.

Repeat this step for each MT4 platform you will be using.
So we have EURUSD chart open now on all MT4 platforms.
Next you need to attach LTC EA on that EURUSD chart.
I will remind that the LTC Server EA must be used on the Master MT4 account while LTC Client EA must be used on the Client MT4 account.
Running the LTC Server EA
There are three ways to start an Expert Advisor in MT4 platform.
- “Attach to a chart” method. Right click on the EA and select “Attach to a chart”. EA will be attached to the currently active chart window.
- Double-click method. Double-click on the EA in Navigator window. EA will be attached to the currently active chart window.
- Drag’n’Drop method. Click and drag the EA from Navigator window to the chart you want to attach it to.
Here’s where the “Attach to a chart” is located.

When LTC Server EA is attached to a chart, immediately you will see the “EA Properties” window that looks like this.

To ensure that the EA runs properly switch to the “Common” tab and double-check if the following options are selected:
- Allow live trading
- Allow DLL imports

Next, switch to the “Inputs” tab where you will have to enter the license key of the software (yes, it’s a commercial software) and be able to set any other settings.

There are a lot of settings available in LTC, and usually you won’t need them all. So do not freak out. The only thing you need to enter is license key.
When you click OK the EA will start working and that’s how it should look like on the chart. The first “server send” counter should be growing continuously which indicates that EA is working.

Okay, you have the Server EA running. Let’s run the Client EA.
Running LTC Client EA
To run the LTC Client EA you will have to repeat the same steps as for the Server EA, except that the Client EA has different settings.
There are much more settings in the Client EA than in the Server EA, but again, you do not need them all, for now.
Enter the license key for Client EA the same way you did for Server EA.
In most cases Client EA will work with its default settings, but in some cases you might need to set the currency suffix if your broker use any. For example if your broker has EURUSDfx symbol instead of the regular EURUSD, you might need to set the following in your Client EA if it does not detect this automatically.
- Set CurrencyNameSufix to fx
- Set TurnOffAutoSufixDetection to TRUE

But in most cases Client EA will detect this automatically and you won’t need to go through this suffix setup.
If it happens so that you do not want Client EA to use symbol suffix (in case your broker has two symbols, with and without suffix), you might need to set the following:
- Leave CurrencyNameSufix empty
- Set TurnOffAutoSufixDetection to TRUE
When Client EA starts working that’s how it should look like on the chart. The first “server read” counter should be growing continuously which indicates that EA is working.

Okay, you have the Client EA running. Now repeat the same on each Client MT4 account you have.
Note that all Client MT4 accounts must have the Client EA attached and running in order to mirror the same positions you open on the Master account.
If you run into any problem, use this checklist to solve any issues with the Expert Advisor. In many cases it is very easy to find the cause of the problem and fix it yourself if you just take a look at the MetaTrade 4 log files.
Opening your first position on all MT4 accounts at once
Open the trade on Master MT4 account now and the same trade should be replicated to each of your MT4 accounts. In the picture below you see the trade was copied to the Client MT4 account with the same trade parameters.

Once the trade on the Master account is closed manually, automatically, or by hitting SL/TP, the Client EA will close it immediately on all Follower accounts as well. Any stop loss or take profit changes are mirrored as well, so this makes all Client accounts to have exactly the same trades as on the Master account.
By implementing this technique you can trade multiple MetaTrader 4 accounts at once from just one MT4 account. This is the easiest and fastest way to transfer your trading positions to your friends, family members or your clients. This is the type of software that can make you an independent account manager, if you will.
Usually account managers need to go through a lot of paper work and sign many documents before they can have a so called PAMM account with the Forex broker, which allows to trade many MT4 accounts at the same time. Not everyone is eligible to have a PAMM account and usually you will need a minimum fund of thousands of dollars to get such account.
Now that you know how it’s done you can even do this on a VPS server which would allow your MT4 platforms to run all the time 24/7 uninterrupted.
CLICK HERE to try the Local Trade Copier yourself
Have you ever traded more than one MT4 account simultaneously? Tell us how did you do it?
82 replies to "Easy Way to Open Same Trades on Many MT4 Accounts At Once"
This article helped me in developing a research on signal services. Thanks
Finally I would be your customers. I’m trading Forex via Samsung note. I’m having issues with big accounts. I can make 100% in a month with small account. Anything less than $1k I can make miracles. Anything more I blew them up pretty fast.
I don’t like to have so much screen time at my laptop so I think having the LTC is not possible.
How does the vps work with your remote copier? I.e I would want the $100 account to be the master and the $1k to be the slave. So if I open 0.1lot on my master account. I expect your remote copier to open a 1lot in the slave account.
Is the above possible? What are your support response? Any claims or guarantee of your software screw up like not respond or open wrong lot size?
Greatly appreciate the response.
Looking forward to purchase your software via vps.
Dear David,
let me answer your questions.
> How does the VPS work with your remote copier? I.e I would want the $100 account to be the master and the $1k to be the slave. So if I open 0.1lot on my master account. I expect your remote copier to open a 1lot in the slave account. Is the above possible?
Actually, if you just have few clients you can go ahead and use LTC for this, but RTC of course can take you to the next level and have your signals available for subscribers around the world.
So normally what you need is at least one VPS where you will run your MASTER account with the Server EA attached and the SLAVE account with the Client EA attached.
This setup will copy trades between them and you can do this with LTC or RTC. Please read RTC webpage to know more about how it works.
Now you can additionally login to your MASTER MT4 account from any other device. This means that you can have many instances of the same MASTER account running on multiple devices, computers or VPS servers. So once you make a trade in MASTER account on a mobile device the same will be visible in the same MASTER account on your VPS where Server EA will pick up that trade and copy it to the SLAVE account.
As about the lot sizes, no problem with that and usually copier will handle this automatically with even default settings being used.
> What are your support response?
I usually respond to emails in 24-72 hours. If there is urgency I do my best to respond faster.
> Any claims or guarantee of your software screw up like not respond or open wrong lot size?
Anything can happen to anything and anyone. More important here is that I always take care of any problems that arise.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss your purchase.
Rimantas Petrauskas
I am a frustrated U. S. citizen trying to trade FX. I want to copy a trader on MQL5 but my U.S. broker won’t allow it. Tallinex is now squeezing out it’s U. S. clients. Any advice? Thanks.
Sorry, do not know other brokers for U.S. clients.
how i can get this copytrade software?
You can purchase MT4 Trade Copier here on my website http://www.mt4copier.com
Hello, thank you for the insight on the LTC and RTC, I want to know if those softwares are free?
Benjamin, both software are paid as you can see that on their websites.
Wow! i got through the whole article, then found you are its Author.
Thank you. Great work.
Jeff Sweet
Mich. U.S.
Thanks Jeff
Do I have to attach the MT4 copier EA in each chart that I am trading or just one chart in the account?
I am asking because I use an EA for risk management and position sizing in each main chart that I trade.
Client EA must be attached only to one chart and it will copy all trades from all pairs. If you want different risk size for each pair then you need to have different Client EA instances with different parameters. Contact support for details at support@ea-coder.com
Do the Server EA also copying “Pending Orders” to the Client EA?
Best Regards
Hello, yes, of course, it copies pending orders as well. But you have an option to turn this off so that the LTC copy only those pending orders that have been triggered on the master account.
Hello, I would like to know if there is any any chance of making this work on a MAC.
Best Regards,
Paulo, I have not tried this on MAC but my users say it works.
Check this out: https://www.mt4copier.com/local-trade-copier-on-mac/
Will you be releasing a version for MT5?
We plan to, but cannot give any promises yet.
Pardon me, just started using MT4. If we utilise your LTC, can we still place trade using mobile apps MT4 on the Master account and LTC still can replicate the trades to other client MT4? Or have to trade the master MT4 account on PC (Windows/Mac) desktop.e
Actually, there is a way to trade your master account via the mobile MT4 platform and have trades copied to clients. However, mobile mt4 does not support expert-advisors, so you still need to always have your master and client accounts running on your pc or VPS with LTC attached. After that, you can log in to your master acc on mobile and trade.
Here is our article about this https://www.mt4copier.com/copy-forex-trades-from-mt4-mobile/
Thanks. That’s what I am looking for!
Can you place multiple positions (example 5-10 positions) with one click? What I have been doing is order 1, then a minute later another 1 and another minute later another 1 etc… Then CLOSE each position one at a time also.
If you want to place multiple positions on separate accounts, like the same position on 5 accounts, then using the MT4 Trade Copier will definitely help you.
But if you want to place 5 positions at the same time on the same MT4 account then we don’t have a tool for that. But technically it is possible.
Great post.
A question regarding chart attachment and mirroring.
I’m an intraday focused trader focusing on trading gap-up momentum and breakout stocks primarily. With FX I trade the AUSUSD, GBDUSD, EURUSD and JPYUSD. Can you clarify the following – When trading multiple stock and FX opportunities intraday, do I have to attach each chart for every stock I want to trade on the LTC Server EA Master and all LTC Client EA accounts? From the above it looks like I do. If so, is it possible to trade multiple strategies quickly with this option across a handful of client accounts effectively?
With Thanks
Hi. Thanks for your feedback.
LTC trade copier must be running only on one chart of any currency pair. I always recommend EURUSD, but it does not really matter.
LTC will copy all trades from all instruments even when it is attached to just EURUSD.
So the answer is NO, you do not need attaching LTC Server EA or Client EA to each chart.
hi, I just visted your site,, very helpful,, thanks for sharing such golden tips,, I am going to test it tomorrow,, would you please help in case of any difficulty,, thanks again
Hello I would like to know if I can use different lot sizes on different client accounts due to their account balance but still be able to have the trades I place if that is possible?
thank you for your comment on https://www.ea-coder.com/how-to-copy-trades-in-mt4/
To answer your question:
Local Trade Copier has all most needed risk management settings available. By default it will calculate lot size for client accounts based on difference between master and client account balances. What you are asking is a default risk setting in LTC. It also has other features, lot multiplier, use fixed lot size all the time, risk % etc
Here is a video where all our risk parameters are explained
Hope this helps
Have a great day
hi, I already have a EA that trades for me. I have it on my master metatrader 4 account.
Instead of buying multiple EA’s I would like to set up your copy trader into my clients accounts. Will 2 EA on my master account interfere? IF so, how do I set it up properly? You feedback is highly appreciated
Yes, you can use Local trade Copier to copy trades made by a third party ea on your master account to your other (or clients) accounts.
2 EAs on the master will not interfere, don’t worry.
All you need to do is on master account attach LTC Server EA on any one chart and attach Client EA on each client account (one chart per account)
That is it, trades from the master account will be sent to other accounts. This way you don’t need to buy multiple EAs
If i have multi terminal mt4 installed, let’s say 3 instances of mt4 with each of them contaning 50 accounts each. will LTC copy trades on all 150 accounts in 3 multiterminal mt4?
MT4 Multiterminal does not allow to run EAs so you cannot use LTC or any EA on it.
Hi Rimantas, I have an MT4 account with an EA working well on it and I would like to copy the trades onto another MT4 on the same computer. I have tried another copier product but when i go to add the copier EA to the chart it removes my existing one. Is LTC different or can I not copy trades if using an EA on the charts already?
Our copier can copy trades from any other third party EAs, no problem at all.
Mt4 does not allow to have more than 1 EA on one chart
You need to attach our server EA on a separate chart (any symbol) and leave your trading EA where it is
In client account you also need only 1 client EA on any chart and trades for all symbols coming from the master account will be copied.
Also, MT4 copier will copy pending orders as well as live trades (you can change that in settings if you don’t want pending orders to be copied).
Hope this helps
Have a nice day
Can I copy trade from a client account to another account and can I have 2 masters account
Yes, that is possible. You can watch the videos about how the MT4 trade copier works: https://www.mt4copier.com/videos/
Hi Rimantas,I need to Know the maximum number of slave/client accounts that can be linked in one Master account,thank you.
Actually, the number of clients is unlimited.
It all depends on how many mt4 platforms your PC/VPS can handle open at the same time.
Make sure CPU/RAM is used no more than 70% otherwise it can cause a delay.
Hope this helps.
i need to buy trade copier for my company .. plz help me…
We have two types of trade copying software for mt4 platforms
1) http://www.mt4copier.com – it is what it says – a copier which can send trades from your master account to clients automatically on the same computer/vps.
2) http://www.signalmagician.com – a remote copier which comes with control panel which can manage anything signal business needs – copying, payments, subscriptions, mailing lists, etc.
How does the signal magician work if I was just to market execute? Is this for placing orders only?
Signal MagicianSignal Magician works with all mt4 order types.
You can place market orders, pending orders, etc. It will be replicated on all client accounts.
So no, it is not only for pending orders. It will execute market orders as well.
Hope this helps.
Have a nice day.
Thanks for the valuable content and software solutions that you offer for us, really I am glad to discover you and your works.
Concerning LTC I liked the automatic lot size setting feature but I wonder if that exists also in Signal Magician software.
Thanks in advance for your response and for everything!
Thanks for your comment and your kind words. We appreciate it.
Yes, Signal Magician has the same list of risk parameters available (riskratio, fixed lot, lot multiplier, risk % etc)
So automatic lot sizing is available.
Hope this helps.
After setting up master and client accounts and have them running on VPS, can I place trades on my phone MT4? Will the trades be replicated on the client accounts?
Yes, you can place trades on mobile and trade copier running on your VPS will do the copying.
Here is a video about how a trade copier works with the MT4 Mobile app.
this is wonderful!! just bumped into this, what a life saver.i must use this cos been looking for a reliable remote solution for years.
Great insight. Thanks for the post!
Thanks for reading.
Must all other metraders be open before i can place trades simultaneously?
Yes, all MT4s must be open and running. That’s how it all works with MT4.
Hi Rimantas
Thank you for the great explanation on the copier for different brokers. I got a few clients that
is with the same broker and in this instance one mt4 downloaded , any idea to link multiple accounts with the same broker?. Are there a option to change the lot size manually or on percentage on the clients balances for ex. clients with small and bigger account balances ?
thanks for your email
we appreciate it.
You can open multiple mt4s from same broker, no problem at all. We have a tutorial on How to open multiple mt4 platforms from the same broker on the same computer here:
It is the easiest way to do it.
Regarding lot size:
By default Client EA will calculate lot size for each client based on the difference between account balances and leverage to have the same risk level
a master account with 10 000 usd opens 0.1 lot client with 1 000 usd will open 10 times smaller lot of 0.01 etc
You can use other risk parameters if you need:
lot multiplier, fixed lot, risk % etc
Here is a video where all risk parameters are explained:
Hope this helps
Thank you it did help indeed
Glad to know 🙂
How will I be able to set up client account to have different lot sizes since these accounts might not have the same account size or balance. Is that even possible?
Thanks in advance
Thank you for your comment
we appreciate it.
You will have a total control on lot sizes for each client.
Copier will calculate lot size for each client based on the difference between master account and client account balance by default. It is called a risk ratio server.
You can use other risk parameters like fixed lot, multiplier risk percent instead of risk ratio if you want.
Here is a video where all risk parameters are explained:
Hope this helps
Have a nice day
I have been following a trader’s investor’s account and opening trades myself manually.
Is there a way to mirror his activity automatically?
Yes sure, with our Local Trade CopierLocal Trade Copier, you can do exactly that.
You will need 2 mt4 platforms running on your computer.
On one platform login to signal account. You can use an investor password, no problem at all.
Attach our Server EA on one chart on that account.
On the second mt4 platform login to your acc with the main trading password.
Attach our Client EA on one chart and your trades will automatically be copied with your preferred risk management settings.
Here is a video example with investor password and another example of the trade copier in action:
Hope this helps.
Have a nice day.
I found the article helpful but I had a question. How exactly can I use the master EA on the same chart if I trade using personal EA’s? Mt4 ain’t allow more than one bot on the same chart so how does this work?
No problem at all
Yes, mt4 does not allow to have more than 1 bot on the same chart
But you can simply ooen another chart, it can be a chart of any instrument
Copier is monitoring all instruments from one chart
So simply attach server ea on another chart.
Hi… I love your software… Please is there a setting to copy only pending orders?
Yes. Use the parameter FilterByTradeType.
See this MT4 trade copier tutorial for more info.
Hi is it possible for one client account to copy 2 master accounts?
Regarding multiple master accounts, sure, you can have as many master accounts as you want to be copied to client accounts.
You can set it up in the Client EA settings.
I believe this video will help:
If you need anything else, let me know.
We had an older video example too:
Have a nice day.
Hi there I wanted to know how long does it take a trade to be copied to someone else mt4 account like for someone whos using a high spec VPS ? like does it few seconds, mili seconds or minutes
The Copier is copying trades in less than a second. 400ms on average.
Of course, it depends on Internet speed, CPU, and ram. But it is less than a second. We have a video example here
Please how can I get this trade copier. How much is it?
You can find all the information and pricing on the MT4 trade copier website.
Hi , I have a question.
I have master of $1000
And i want to have $3000 of slave but i only want top open positions of 2x of lot sizes of master to minimize the risk. Is that possible. Also vice versa just in case i want half the size of master open position. Thank you
Yes sure, you can set different risk management parameters for each client.
If you want the client account to always open 2 times bigger positions than master you need to change client ea settings:
Set Money management mode to Multiply by X.
Money management value to 2.0.
Here are videos where all risk parameters are explained:
User manual:
If you want half size then instead of “Money Management Value=2.0”, use 0.5
Hope this helps.
Can I connect different accounts from different traders with different brokers? If possible, how is done?
Yes sure, the trade copier will work with all MetaTrader brokers.
All accounts must be running on separate MT4 platforms.
It means you must have as many platforms as you have clients installed on your computer or VPS server.
Here is how to install multiple platforms on your computer or VPS:
Then you need to subscribe to the Local Trade Copier:
Installation video tutorial:
User manual :
Hope this helps. If you have any questions please contact us at support @ ea-coder.com
If I install LTC on my computer, login into my master account with investor password, then will my broker and an expert trader ( executing trades in my master account on his computer/VPS) would know that I am using LTC to copy trades on other accounts?
Thank you for your comment
We appreciate it
Don’t worry, there is no way for a trader to know that you are using a copier.
Technically brokers can see logs and that you are using an EA, but they do not know what EA exactly and they don’t care about it.
Hope this helps
Have a nice day
Does the trade copier leave anything in the comment section that we under account history? And does it generate a magic number? Thanks
Copier does not leave anything by default.
It copies the same comment which is coming from the master account OR you can set your own comment in copier settings.
Yes, Client EA will have a magic number of its own. You can control it in settings too.
By default, the magic number of a copied trade will equal a ticket number on master, but you can set a fixed magic number too.
User manual:
MagicNumber – by default, this value is set to zero and this means the Client EA will use a variable magic number for each trade. To be exact, the magic number set for the trade will be equal to the remote trade ticket of that particular trade. It means each trade copied to the client account will have a different magic number and that is how the Client EA will recognize which trade is the parent of the copied trade. This is what allows this application to compare the remote trades (master account trades) with the trades that were copied to the client side.
Normally you do not need to change this value and just leave it as is.
“Partial Close” and “Close By” features are enabled by default by having MagicNumber=0 (zero) in the Client EA, but then you can run only a single instance of the Client EA on the same MT4 account (even on different computers).
If you change the MagicNumber option to anything above zero the “Partial Close” and “Close By” features will not work, but then you will be able to run multiple instances of the Client EA on the same MT4 platform (make sure you use different MagicNumber for each EA instance).
Hope this helps.
Hi sir my Nhlanhla Dlamini i have just install the system but still not appearing on expert advicors and i did all the precotion as adviced by you sir and i saw the message that says i have successfully installed the system.
I don’t know what went rong
With such questions, it is always best to contact customer support through this page than posting a comment below the tutorials.
Hi. Is there a way I can use just 1 terminal and login 5 mt4 accounts ? Instead of having multiple Mt4 terminals on my computer?
If you want to run EAs on those accounts, there’s no way to log in to all 5 accounts on one terminal.
I know there was a multi-terminal offered by MetaQuotes before for bigger brokers/clients, but I am unsure if it’s still around. The downside with it is that you cannot run EAs on it.