Categories: Forex Signal Website

10 Top Tips and Tricks for Forex Trading Signal Providers

If you’re a skilled enough trader who has moved up the ranks to the point of providing trading signals to other less skilled traders, there are a few key things you need to bear in mind when you’re building your website to attract new followers for your trading signal business.  Don’t be fooled into think that simply being successful at trading will automatically translate into hundreds of people following you. For every real trader out there offering genuine tips, there is at least one or two who don’t really have anything to offer but still purvey the impression that they have valuable information.

Follow these simple steps to ensure your site is giving out the right impression and winning over the trust and loyalty of potential followers:

1. Avoid anything on your site that will make it look spammy

Images are very important for any site, but particularly with one that is asking visitors to trust it with their money. The wrong image can give all kinds of negative impressions leaving users feeling like they are not on a credible site. One common mistake is the use of this image:


Some people seem to think it is a professional image but believe me, it is anything but professional. Not just that, but many sites use it so it has no real unique feeling. It just comes across as a generic repeat and if you use it your site will inherit that same impression. A simple Google images search for this particular one will throw up a lot of sites, many of which are just scams. I myself have even been scammed by as site that has this image. Separate yourself from the crowd and avoid over used images.

If you go to Google and switch to “image search” you can try to find similar websites that use this image. You need to click the “camera icon” in the image search bar and upload one of these images or just copy/paste it’s URL. You will find a lot of scam and fraud websites with this image. Pretty good BS detector 🙂

It seems I am not the only one who noticed this image phenomenon, check out this article.

You really need to be sourcing unique images from sites like photodune which is cheap at $1 per picture and it will give your site that unique feel.

2. Post your trading history on

This is a great site as it is well respected in the industry and it will give you an automatic way for your site visitors to verify that the profits you are claiming are indeed genuine. There are too many traders out there who do not bother to post up on here and as a result there are not that many people who feel they can rely on their reported trading history. Of course posting on My FX Book wont automatically translate to visitors joining your services but it will take a big step in winning over their trust in your claims. If you really are seeing genuine profits with Forex then there is no reason not to be using a verifying site like this.

3. Make things personal

There’s an old adage in sales that says people don’t buy products and services, they buy people. Take the time to introduce yourself on your website. Write a detailed bio and let your visitors know a little more about you and your history. Using your real name and adding a picture are a great way of breaking down barriers and encouraging people to buy from you. They are much more likely to do this than if they are just on a generic site that is anonymous.

After all, you are asking them to put their financial future into your hands so they are likely to want to know a bit more about the person they intend to put so much trust in. Share your background and even go into detail about your own vision for Forex trading. The more users can connect with you and agree with your outlook, the more likely they are to place their money where your mouth is.

4. Don’t confuse people, explain to them

While you wont want to give away every ounce of your trading secrets, it is important that you go into a little detail about your trading system.

– How many trades you open at one time

– How many pairs you trade in

– What your maximum draw down record is

A few sentences like this would cover the basics and give them an insight into the system they will be following. It will give them a sense of security when you show your authority on the subject and the more they understand what you are saying, the more likely they are to buy into using that same system. People feel empowered when they believe they understand something. They don’t have to become experts, but if they don’t understand anything at all, they will be far less likely to want to get involved. Other things that are worth mentioning include:

– How many years you’ve been trading for and how long you have been turning a profit.

– Your monthly profit percentage for the past 12 months.

– Whether you use hedging techniques.

– Whether your system is NFA compatible or not.

5. Set and manage their expectations

Make sure that you explain how you will deliver signals to followers. If you deliver through SMS or email, show an example on the screen of what they will receive. If you are using a trade copier, take them through the system you use and go into a little detail about its reliability and how it works. They will want to know what they are getting from you before they sign up. It doesn’t hurt also to have a section that explains how visitors go about signing up to your services. It only has to be a few bullet points but it will prevent losing potential followers who might struggle to get through the signing up process.

When you send trading signals by email or SMS, always include stop loss and take profit points together with the currency pair name and entry price.

6. Advertising, don’t bother

Generally speaking, people accept that advertising is an essential part of making a site profitable. But for a signals site, the money should be coming from profitable trading. Never put Google AdSense or any other form of advertisement on your signals site. It’s not the right place for it and people will wonder why you need advertising on this site if you’re really making profit from trading. Save any advertisements for your blog or landing page.

7. Look professional from the start

There is no point in pinching pennies when it comes to design. You need users to feel like they are in a professional environment from the moment they enter your site. Either employ a professional designer or buy a professional template from the likes of ThemeForest.

The same thing goes for your domain name. Make sure you have your own. Anything like doesn’t leave a good impression and just makes your site look rooky at worst and unprofessional at best. A domain name can be as little as $10 on NameCheap so you’ll find it difficult to justify claiming 100’s of pips in positive movement if you cant even afford $10!

8. Show confidence in your services

Offering a trial period for free, or perhaps a nominal fee of $1, is the best way to show potential clients that you believe in what you have to offer. It’s good practice to have the small fee for the trial simply to verify that the person has a working payment source and it means you can collect their email address at the same time for mailings. Customers who have used a trial period at first are much less likely to cancel their subscription at any point or ask for a refund. At the end of the day it is better to have 100 followers who will stay with you for years than 1000 follower who cancel after a few months.

9. Be realistic

There is no need to claim that you are the No.1 signal service, unless of course you can prove that you are. The chances are you cant, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t get followers. Leave the grand claims for the big companies like Zulutrade and focus on your boutique or bespoke trading signals that offer a more personal service and are less anonymous than the big boys.

If you focus on what you truly have to offer rather than trying to be something you are not, customers will value that and are more likely to stay loyal to you.

10. Use bells and whistles sparingly

Image sliders are a wonderful tool for adding depth and dimension to your site, but they don’t need to appear everywhere. The homepage is the only real place that fancy elements like this should be used. I’ve seen far too many sites that go crazy with image sliders and have them all over the place. Not only do they slow your site down if you have too many, but they clutter up pages that really don’t need them at all. You might be able to make the case for placing a slider on one other page on your site but for certain they don’t need to appear on the Terms of Service or Risk Disclaimer pages.


All in all, you need to approach the construction of a trading signal services site like any commercial venture. It must appeal to the users in the same way as if you were selling them a mortgage or a new bank account. You need to remember that there are many other similar services on offer so just making big money claims isn’t enough to convert customers. If you stick to the core disciplines of creating an engaging and user friendly site, and go through the steps to verify and prove your credibility as a trading guru, you will reap the rewards of regular and loyal customers who will not only stay with you for a long time but will also take on your marketing for you by referring the service onto their friends, family and colleagues. Put yourself in the shoes of a completely new visitor coming to your site and use your objective feedback to help improve your site.

How does your site compare to the kinds of sites that you buy services from? If you were someone coming to your site for the first time, what would your first impressions be?

Rimantas Petrauskas

First I am a father, a husband and then the author of the book “How to Start Your Own Forex Signals Service”. I am also a Forex trader, a programmer, an entrepreneur, and the founder of Forex blog. I have created two of the most popular trade copiers and other trading tools for MT4 that are already used world wide by hundreds of currency traders.

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  • This article has been so helpful! I have been so busy lately and I have been trying to find articles to Forex trading! This article has relieved me of a lot of stress, thank you!

    • Sylvester, I am glad you like this. Thanks for kind feedback.
      Rimantas Petrauskas

  • Thanks for your suggestions it's a very interesting article and will be helpful for both beginner and intermediate Forex trader.

  • Your article is very informative and filled with actionable strategies. So, I would love you to please recommend a good trading robot that can provide profitable signals that one can shear to clients as a signal provider. Thanks

Published by
Rimantas Petrauskas

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